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We have a selection of ram lambs and ewe lambs:

Kerry Hills:

Ram lamb: £50 each

Ewe lamb: £60 each


Kerry hill X Manx Laughton:

Ram lamb: £40 each

Ewe lamb: £50 each

There all lovely tempered and will follow to the bucket. Used to running alongside other sheep and with horse and occasionally even venture in with the pigs not that there supposed to be there!
All used to Farm life horses, pigs, poultry and farm vehicles.
Only looking for new homes dew to limited grazing so being sold just weaned at around June. They are great at surviving dew to being hill breeds the crosses in particular carry a bit more weight but still have the National survival instincts. making them ideal for low maintance sheep! please put your name down in advance! 

P.s they also love eating hedges and brambles shoots or leaves! making them ideal for helping to clear scrub ground and natural grazing. 

Lambs 2022 (waiting list available)


    Collection only !!! 

    Per half a dozen

    Or Call: 01458 272302

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